Saturday, September 17, 2005

Open Letter to Donna Brazile

Dear Ms. Brazile,

I appreciated your Washington Post Op-Ed on the rebuilding of your New Orleans home. Watching your home being devastated and your neighbors being sacrificed must have been a heartbreaking experience and you and the residents of New Orleans have my most heartfelt sympathy. I am proud that my state of North Carolina has been so generous in rushing to send aid and comfort.

However, before you fully embrace the President's beginning of an outline of a plan, I hope you will also consider the poor and ignored citizens in other parts of this country upon whose backs this rebuilding will occur. Where will the money come from to undertake this massive reconstruction? Precedence says it will come from human services. Who will profit from the rebuilding efforts? Precedence says it will go to large, ridiculously wealthy corporations. Are you ready to rebuild your home on the backs of the poor here in North Carolina? Are you ready to sacrifice future generations to even more staggering debt?

I too want to see New Orleans rebuilt, but the conditions under which that occurs must not take away from the poor, the aged, the already underserved elsewhere. I urge you to use your powerful voice to seek equity and justice for everyone as the plans for rebuilding take shape.


Terri Buckner
Carrboro, North Carolina

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