Monday, November 14, 2005

Lost Opportunities

I've been overwhelmed by the costs of NOT acting (opportunity cost) lately. Here's a list of lost or potentially lost opportunities in our community:
  • If Katrina Ryan is not appointed to fill Mark Chilton's seat on the Carrboro Board of Alderman, will that signify the last possible opportunity for bringing the northern residents into the community or will it be the last straw that makes them fight for years to change the community? Will we lose Carrboro through the disenfranchisement while trying to save it from Katrina's different way of looking at the world?

  • If Chapel Hill doesn't move more quickly on creating a wireless network, will they lose the opportunity to telecommunication lobbists that want to stop municipal networks altogether?

  • Is there any chance that the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools can really improve minority student achievement now that they've enacted the requirement for passing end-of-course test in order to pass the course? Or have they further alienated students who already feel marginalized?

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