Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Way to Go Isaac!

ROSES to McDougle Middle School's history bowl team, which won the regional North Carolina History Bowl at the Charlotte Hawkins Brown Museum in Sedalia on Monday.

By virtue of their victory, the McDougle eighth-graders advance to the state championship, to be held at the N.C. Museum of History in Raleigh on May 16.

Given the narrow focus on standardized tests in the three Rs, subjects like history are all too often relegated to the back burner. Yet few subjects are as rich or offer as many important lessons. It's good to see local students, and their coaches, recognize that.

McDougle, which represented the Chapel Hill-Carrboro school district, defeated Southeast Forsyth in the final game to win the regional title.

Captain of the McDougle team is Kyle Villemain and team members are Nick DiCecco, Jaime Morin and Isaac Warshauer. Coaches are Cissy O'Neal and Louise Peters. The principal is Debra H. Scott.

Good job, Mustangs. We're proud, but we can't say we're surprised; McDougle has won regional and state titles in past years. The school has a, um, history of doing well.

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