Thursday, July 21, 2005

Tazz and Lucky Girl

I'm taking care of a friend's pets for a few days, an adolescent cat named Tazz and an elderly parakeet named Lucky Girl (she appeared at the house one day a few years ago). Tazz is totally pissed off at having lost her nearly constant attention. So when I am there, she demands my full attention. Yesterday I needed to change the paper in the bird cage and knocked down a hanging toy in the process. When I reached into the cage to rehang the toy, Lucky Girl flew out. Tazz started jumping up in the air, Lucky was flying wildly around the house, and I was having visions of telling the boys that Tazz ate Lucky through my error. Finally trapped Tazz and shut her up in the bathroom and eventually caught Lucky (to much very loud yowling in the background). I won't have to admit my ineptitude to the boys now and Tazz came in to observe while I cleaned her little box. She likes to observe from the sink!